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Читаю Conv_Fol_TP_WeepingHollow1.stl [1.0.8a]
Row Id phrase_ruRU phrase_enGB Notes Actor
Line0 У тебя в ордене много друзей? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0DHunterM У тебя в ордене было много друзей? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0BarbM У тебя было много друзей в ордене? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0WizM У тебя много друзей в ордене? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0WitchDocM У тебя в ордене много друзей? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0MonkM У тебя много друзей в ордене? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0DHunterF У тебя в ордене было много друзей? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0BarbF У тебя было много друзей в ордене? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0WizF У тебя много друзей в ордене? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0WitchDocF У тебя в ордене много друзей? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line0MonkF У тебя много друзей в ордене? Did you have many friends at the order?    
Line1 Мы все братья. Эти узы сильнее дружбы. We are brothers. It is a stronger bond than mere friendship. defensive; gruff  
Line1F Мы все братья. Эти узы сильнее дружбы. We are brothers. It is a stronger bond than mere friendship. defensive; gruff  
Line2Wiz Полагаю, это значит «нет». I'll take that as a no. gently teasing  
Line2DHunter А, значит, друзей у тебя не было. Ah, so you didn't have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2WitchDoc А, значит, не было. Зато теперь есть один. Ah, so no friends, then. But you have one now! pitying, then warm in the second part, where he/she is referring to himself/herself  
Line2 То есть, друзей у тебя не было. I take it you did not have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2DHunterM А, значит, друзей у тебя не было. Ah, so you didn't have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2BarbM То есть, друзей у тебя не было. I take it you did not have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2WizM Полагаю, это значит «нет». I'll take that as a no. gently teasing  
Line2WitchDocM А, значит, не было. Зато теперь есть один. Ah, so no friends, then. But you have one now! pitying, then warm in the second part, where he/she is referring to himself/herself  
Line2MonkM Видимо, не много. I take it you did not have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2DHunterF А, значит, друзей у тебя не было. Ah, so you didn't have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2BarbF То есть, друзей у тебя не было. I take it you did not have any friends, then. gently teasing  
Line2WizF Полагаю, это значит «нет». I'll take that as a no. gently teasing  
Line2WitchDocF А, значит, не было. Зато теперь есть один. Ah, so no friends, then. But you have one now! pitying, then warm in the second part, where he/she is referring to himself/herself  
Line2MonkF Видимо, не много. I take it you did not have any friends, then. gently teasing  
True CP 1.0.7