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Читаю Conv_Hero_LeaveGame.stl [1.0.8a]
Row Id phrase_ruRU phrase_enGB Notes Actor
Line0Wiz Мой союзник покинул меня. Противники, с которыми мне предстоит сразиться, стали слабее. My ally has left. The enemies I face will be weaker now. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0WitchDoc Союзник покинул меня. Но и враги стали слабее. An ally has gone, but my foes lose strength. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0Monk Воин покинул отряд. Теперь и враги немного ослабнут. A recruit has left. My foes lose some of their strength. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0DHunter Союзник покинул меня, зато враги мои ослабли.///Союзник оставил меня. Но и мои враги стали слабее. An ally has left my party, but my foes are weaker. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0 Союзник покинул меня. Прислужники Тьмы стали слабее. An ally has departed. The minions of Hell grow weaker. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0DHunterM Союзник оставил меня. Но и мои враги стали слабее. An ally has left my party, but my foes are weaker. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0BarbM Союзник ушел. Слуги Преисподней ослабли. An ally has departed. The minions of Hell grow weaker. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0WizM Мой союзник покинул меня. Противники, с которыми мне предстоит сразиться, стали слабее. My ally has left. The enemies I face will be weaker now. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0WitchDocM Союзник покинул меня. Но и враги стали слабее. An ally has gone, but my foes lose strength. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0MonkM Воин покинул отряд. Теперь и враги немного ослабнут. A recruit has left. My foes lose some of their strength. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0DHunterF Союзник оставил меня. Теперь мои враги стали слабее. An ally has left my party, but my foes are weaker. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0BarbF Союзник ушел. Слуги Преисподней ослабли. An ally has departed. The minions of Hell grow weaker. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0WizF Мой союзник покинул меня. Противники, с которыми мне предстоит сразиться, стали слабее. My ally has left. The enemies I face will be weaker now. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0WitchDocF Союзник покинул меня. Но и враги стали слабее. An ally has gone, but my foes lose strength. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
Line0MonkF Воин покинул отряд. Теперь и враги немного ослабнут. A recruit has left. My foes lose some of their strength. This is an alert that happens when a player leaves the hero's party in multiplayer games  
True CP 1.0.7