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Читаю Conv_Hireling_Quest_Timer.stl [1.0.8a]
Row Id phrase_ruRU phrase_enGB Notes Actor
Line3 Надо поторапливаться. We must hurry. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line3F Надо поторапливаться. We must hurry. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line4 У нас кончается время. We are running short on time. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line4F У нас кончается время. We are running short on time. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line19 Времени почти не осталось. Almost out of time. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line19F Времени почти не осталось. Almost out of time. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line20 Поторопимся! Quickly! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line20F Поторопимся! Quickly! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line9 Ты бы побыстрее... I suggest you speed up. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line9F Ты бы побыстрее... I suggest you speed up. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line10 Время на исходе. We're running out of time. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line10F Время на исходе. We're running out of time. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line32 Я бы на твоем месте поторопился, но дело твое. I'd hurry, but that's just me. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line32F Я бы на твоем месте поторопился, но дело твое. I'd hurry, but that's just me. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line33 Быстрее! Quick! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line33F Быстрее! Quick! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line14 Надо поторопиться. We must make haste. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line14F Надо поторопиться. We must make haste. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line15 Наше время истекает! Our time draws short! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line15F Наше время истекает! Our time draws short! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line15F Наше время истекает! Our time draws short! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line45 У нас мало времени. Our time is waning. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line45F У нас мало времени. Our time is waning. Timer counting down to complete a quest  
Line46 Скорее! Quickly! Timer counting down to complete a quest  
True CP 1.0.7